Petting happy dog

For real emergencies, there is no substitute for veterinarians or pet clinics, but for day-to-day occurrences a well-stocked first aid kit for your dog can work wonders. Here are five components every pet first aid kit should have in stock.

1. Bandaging

Bandaging materials is the number one element of your dog’s first aid kit as it has multiple uses. Be sure to have non-adhesive wound pads, gauze and self-adhesive wrap available in your first aid kit. It’s a good idea to avoid any kind of bandaging material that requires sticky tape which would cause irritation and be difficult to remove. Most pet stores carry a dog-friendly gauze.

Gauze can cover and protect a wound, be bound together as a makeshift splint or wrapped around their snout as an emergency muzzle.

2. Ointment

First aid or anti-bacterial ointment made for us can also be the perfect medication for your dog’s minor scrapes and cuts. Applying a thin coat 3 or 4 times a day can protect the wound, clean out any bacteria and provide itch relief.


Some dogs may try to lick off this ointment, so cover the wound with non-stick gauze, then wrap with self-adhesive wrap or put your dog in a cone collar to prevent them from being able to access the wound or the topical ointment.

3. Saline Solution

If your dog likes to dig around in the dirt or run around the beach, they may get sand or grit in their eyes causing a slight irritation. Your pup’s reaction will be to try and wipe their eyes with their paws which can actually be worse, especially if they already have that same dirt on their paws. The basic saline solution for humans that is bought over-the-counter can be used to help clear out your dog’s eyes.

When you don’t have any saline solution on hand, the homemade version is a mix of ¼ teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of lukewarm water.

4. Ear Cleansing Solution

Make sure to have a non-irritating ear cleanser on hand to clean out your dogs ears after a bath, swim or anytime you notice a build up of wax.

The twisty nature of your dog’s ear and ear canal can make it ripe for bacteria and infection so keeping the area clean with a safe cleansing solution will go a long way to keeping your pup healthy.

5. Paperwork

A first aid kit is the perfect place to keep all your dog’s important health information. Your file should include details of when they got their shots, their regular veterinarian’s contact info, a list of local emergency pet clinics, regular medicines, allergies and the phone number for the pet poison center.

Talk to your dog’s veterinarian to find out any other necessary items for your pup’s first aid kit based their age, breed and medical history. A properly-stocked first aid kit can never replace a vet hospital, but it can make a big difference for the health and welfare of your dog.

If you need help getting your dog more active or introducing them to some new friends, we here at Dogtopia can help. We offer a safe and fun-filled environment with an action-packed daily schedule to ensure your furry friend gets plenty of exercise and socialization while you are at work or running errands during the day. Learn more about our dog daycare services here or contact us for more information.