doggy day care for dogs that don't like to walk in the rain

Don’t you already miss summer?  Autumn is upon us, and the days are getting shorter and colder.  It’s around now that pups start to get more instances of ‘cabin-fever’ as busy pet parents are burdened with work and school schedules, and walk time is cut short due to weather and earlier sunsets.  Luckily, that doesn’t mean that your pup has to suffer from boredom!  Doggy day care gets them up off the sofa and back to playing and exercising.

Doggy Day Care is MADE for Dogs That Hate Rain & Cold

Some dog breeds and smaller, less furry dogs hate the wet & cold weather of fall.  Italian Greyhounds, Basenjis, even larger dogs like American Bulldogs – with short fur and no undercoat, these dogs dread getting wet. You can absolutely put a dog coat on them, and some dogs seem to actually enjoy that.  However, not all pups enjoy dog clothes, and some dogs can even chafe and develop sores when coats pinch the delicate skin under their pegs.  If your dog hates walking in the rain, you’re not alone!  And your dog doesn’t have to be alone either, not if they come to doggy day care instead of walking around in the cold rain.

Cold rain + Long walks = Muddy House!

doggy day care for dogs that don't like to walk in the rain
Congrats to this little pumpkin, Jax for winning the halloween costume contest! Claim your mystery prize tomorrow at pick up! 🎃❤
Muddy paws are the bane of most pet parents existence- there’s a reason that floor mats and paw washers are such big sellers among pet owners! Another drawback to walks in October’s cold wet weather is that it’s a surefire recipe for wet paws tracking mud throughout the house.  Imagine, instead, that your dog can get the exercise they need without any risk of dirty paws ruining your rug or hardwood floors.  That dream is a reality when your dog stays at doggy day care, since even our outdoor area is clean and sanitary!

Never Miss Out on Socialization for Your Dog

If you’ve never tried doggy day care before, now is a perfect time to try it!  If you were used to seeing and socializing with other dogs during your spring and summer walks, you and your pup will be missing them as autumn causes fewer dogs to venture out.  But not at doggy day care!  Dogs can be dropped off early as pet parents head to work, so your pup will get a full day of exercise, socialization, and play!  Many dogs come out of doggy day care “Dogtopia-tired”, a term we coined because we see them leave with big happy tongue-out-the-side-of-their-mouth grins, ultimately getting home to relax and snooze with their beloved family.  At Dogtopia, getting your dog moving and enjoying their day is a top priority, and it shows.  Don’t let the cool, wet weather make your dogs activity schedule an afterthought- enroll in doggy day care today!