As the winter months settle in, the chilly weather can make it tempting to hunker down indoors, cozy up by the fireplace, and enjoy the warmth of your home. While you’re comfortable and warm, it’s important not to forget about your furry family members. Dogs, just like humans, need physical and mental stimulation year-round. Not only is it easy to stay in all day and stay cozy but it can also be hard to get outside in winter elements. Today we will visit 5 different ways to keep your canine companion active and engaged during the winter season.  

Mental Stimulation / Enrichment Games 

Mental Stimulation is just as important as physical stimulation, especially for our high energy dogs like Australian Cattle Dogs or Siberian Huskys. These kinds of breeds thrive on having a job and need mental stimulation if not given a job. We suggest that you start by investing in puzzle toys that result in a treat when solving the puzzle. It will mentally exhaust your furry child but also reward them for a job well done. This will soon teach your dog that every time you pull out the puzzle game, there will be a treat involved. We also suggest treat / ball dispensing toys. Buying something like a Furbo could help stimulate your dog and also train them at the same time. A Furbo is more than just a treat dispenser but also a training program that trains your dog’s basic commands in a virtual manner.  

Doggie Daycare 

As a Dog Blog that is associated with America’s fastest growing dog daycare, you knew we would mention this. Dog Daycare is debatably the number one way to stimulate your dog during the winter months. Dogs are naturally social creatures and thrive in a social environment that daycare can give them. The best part about your dog being at daycare is you know you can go to work knowing your dog is actively exercising, instead of being destructive at home. Additionally, Dogtopia specializes in the Wellness of your dog. Not only do we give your dog a safe place to stay, but we offer unique Wellness Plans for our pet parents so their four-legged friends can thrive on a day-to-day basis.  


As any pet parent should know, most dogs love toys or a good tennis ball. Playing fetch inside or outside can help keep your dog active and hopefully get them tired for a little bit. It is very important when getting toys for your dog, to get the right size and durability though. A German Shepherd toy shouldn’t be the same as a Shih Tzu. There are now dog toy subscriptions companies like BarkBox, that send you dog toys based on your dog’s size and temperament.  

Winter Walks with a Purpose 

Although the winter weather might limit outdoor activities, brisk walks in the fresh air are not only beneficial for your dog but for you as well. Not only do you have the chance to get some energy out of your dog by physically exhausting them but also mentally by applying some training to their walks. Walks are a perfect opportunity to reinforce obedience training and work on loose-leash walking. In just a short 15-to-30-minute walk, you can stimulate your pup and have a well-trained dog.