Summer has been a blast and hopefully you are still enjoying cottages, summer sports, bbqs and the beautiful weather. It is time to start transitioning back to a schedule that will take you through the next school year. Your pet should be included in this schedule to help make the transition smooth for them too.

New bus schedules, class schedules, schools, rules, clothes, technology…so much to remember! Your dog has enjoyed having everyone home for the summer with all the random playing, parks, and trips. Help them make a smooth transition into the new schedule as well. Otherwise they may suffer from depression and separation anxiety as they go from having “fam jam” time every day to an empty house.

Symptoms of depression can include listlessness, lack of energy, loss of appetite, hiding or cowering and not wanting to play. Separation anxiety symptoms may include erratic behaviour, excessive barking and whining, frantic clawing at doors, windows or fences to get out, destructive chewing and going to the bathroom in the house.

Make sure your pet gets the love and attention they need during the transition. This includes scheduling morning exercise, not making a big deal of when you leave and come home, leaving a radio or tv on while you are out, and exercise in the evening to burn off any pent up energy from the day.

Of course there are going to be days between early morning practices and evening recitals that make it just not possible to do everything!!! So be sure to schedule your Meet & Greet and free day of play with Dogtopia Burlington. We are happy to welcome your pet and keep them active, entertained and clean while you are getting the rest of the troops organized!