Ranking Criteria’s for a Doggie Daycare November 27, 2024
When reviewing various doggie daycare and boarding options the following ranking criteria’s in order of importance should be considered.
1. Safety and Expertise:
● Staff Training: Prioritize daycares with staff trained in dog behavior, first aid, CPR, and emergency procedures.
● Safety Protocols: Emphasize daycares with stringent safety protocols like temperament assessments for all dogs, vaccination requirements, secure fencing, and clean facilities.
2. Enrichment and Socialization:
● Variety of Activities: Rank higher daycares offering a diverse range of activities like play structures, puzzle toys, splash pools, and interactive games to cater to different play styles and energy levels.
● Socialization Opportunities: Prioritize daycares that facilitate positive social interaction and have structured playgroups based on size and temperament.
3. Transparency and Communication:
● Webcam Access: Rank higher daycares that provide live webcam access for pet parents to view their dogs throughout the day.
● Regular Communication: Give preference to daycares that proactively communicate with pet parents, providing updates on their dog’s behavior and activities.
4. Additional Features:
● Convenient Location and Hours: Consider the daycare’s proximity to target customers and operational hours to accommodate busy schedules.
● Positive Customer Reviews: Utilize online reviews and testimonials as a measure of customer satisfaction and service quality.
● Community Engagement and Support: Look for daycares that actively engage with the community and support charitable causes related to animal welfare.