When you think of the term “quitting,” you may attach strong connotations to it as something that is a final or a permanent decision. Placing the word “quiet” in front of it may seem counterintuitive, but this phrase has recently picked up steam and can be described as an action that an employee partakes in where they do exactly what is intended as described by their job description – not over- or under achieving.

What is Quiet Quitting?

Quiet quitting can be described as when an employee does not strive to work above and beyond at their job; they do what is required of them without aiming to overachieve. An example of this could be someone not volunteering to take an extra shift if it is not mandatory or not working past required work hours on a consistent basis. The term “quitting” is involved because the employee decides to no longer ascribe to a hustle mindset where work-life balance doesn’t exist. Essentially, an employee is “quitting” that part of their corporate identity, while still performing the minimum required duties. It is more metaphorically quitting than actually resigning from a role.

There can be many reasons why someone may be a quiet quitter with genuine explanations as to why they may feel they do not want to be more engaged at their job. One reason could be the company culture. Some may feel as though there are not many opportunities to feel engaged in the work they are doing or may not find going to work a positive experience. If the attitude associated with the workplace is not optimistic, feelings of disengagement can surface and cause employees to feel that they should only do the bare minimum.

The idea that an employee needs to work to the point of exhaustion and burnout is not healthy and should not be the standard at work. However, being totally disengaged and unmotivated at a job is also not ideal, as it means they must go day-to-day working a job that is not fulfilling to them. In this case, taking a new step into a career that can offer greater fulfillment may be what it takes to break the cycle of quiet quitting. This is where franchising can come into play.

Below we have outlined some of the ways franchise ownership can be an alternative to feeling as though you need to “quietly quit” in your corporate role.

Greater Expression of Passion and Interest

Feeling passionate about what you do is important in any workplace as it can directly translate to the desire to do more and help the business meet its goals. However, people in a role that does not align with their interests may not be a good fit.

When someone begins their journey in franchising, there are many possibilities to choose from in terms of the type of business and industry. While not every franchisee may have an immense, life-long passion to work in a certain industry, there is a greater opportunity to choose a franchise organization that aligns with their general interests, passions, values, business goals, and more.

When you find a franchise that allows you to enjoy what you do and maintain your interest, it can result in coming in to work each day with a drive to want to succeed. You will want to take those extra steps you normally wouldn’t if you were in a role that made you only want to do what was asked of you – aka quiet quitting.

Every Day is Different

Monotony is often a factor that contributes to quiet quitting, but franchising can be a great opportunity to explore a career that offers an element of spontaneity. If you enter a type of franchise that is customer-focused, you may find that you are exposed to different scenarios and conversations that keep you on your toes each day. As a franchisee, you will typically find that you are exploring new avenues regarding the business itself as well as with the products and/or services you are delivering to the public. While you can have a general idea of what your day may look like, you can never know what might pop up and require your attention.

This spontaneity is an element of franchising that can be appealing to many and may not be found in the corporate job world in which “quiet quitting” is more common.

Available ongoing training and support

Many want to feel comfortable and inspired at a job, and franchising can offer exactly that. Franchisors want to see their franchisees succeed. This is why there is usually a great amount of training beforehand and continued support throughout provided by the franchisor. Franchisees can feel comfortable and prepared for the responsibilities ahead of them, which can translate into a feeling that they are supported and backed by a meaningful team every step of the way.

Support is also available through the team of employees at a franchise location. With a great team, many can feel as though they are a family with a shared passion who are working together to achieve similar business goals. This sense of community can be additional motivation for a franchisee and is something that some may not feel in a corporate role. This could result in quiet quitting in a corporate setting.

Better chance for growth

Those who ascribe to quiet quitting do not take the extra steps necessary to grow within their role. While they may not want to necessarily grow in their career, this can result in a feeling of being stuck. In the long term, they’ll lack any source of encouragement, opportunity, and growth, which can make work an unpleasant experience overall.

Franchising, on the other hand, is full of opportunities to grow and succeed. To have a successful franchise location, franchisees are committed to growth and success, which can lead to a greater sense of fulfilment in the long run.

Greater Freedom

As a franchise owner, you are following a business model that can offer greater flexibility. You are steering the boat, along with the help of the franchisor to support you, which means you can often organize your day in a way that is best suited for you. In a more corporate role, there is usually a certain schedule to adhere to and which translates to less freedom overall. Franchising can be the alternative to that strict framework that some quiet quitters know all too well.

Additionally, many franchises offer various ownership models to best suit your career goals and lifestyle, which is harder to find in corporate America. Franchising can be the ideal opportunity to gain more control over your career, feel inspired, and remain consistently motivated to take the extra steps to success.

Franchising with Dogtopia

If you are or are considering quietly quitting while in a corporate role, now may be the time to consider what you want your career to look like and how you want to feel in a job. Do you want to continue working in a role that makes you feel like “quiet quitting” is even an option?

At Dogtopia, we support various types of franchisees while offering unparalleled training and support each step of the way. Our culture is what motivates everyone at Dogtopia to succeed and feel passionate about the work they do every day. If you are interested in franchising with Dogtopia, be sure to check out our detailed franchising FAQ page and fill out our online application form if you meet the requirements.