Dig App

A new year means a new chance for finding love! Interested in beginning the search for that special someone in 2022, but want to make sure they will love your pup as much as they love you? Dogtopia has partnered with Dig – The Dog Person’s Dating App – to help bring you and your special someone together. By creating a dating profile on the Dig app, you will already know if they are a dog person without adding, “Must Love Dogs🐶” to your profile! Plus, current Dogtopia pet parents can get an extended free trail of the Dig app.

To get started and become one step closer to meeting your future special someone, download the Dig app here. You will have the ability to customize a profile and include what you’re seeking in a partner, information about your dog, and a badge if you are a Dogtopia pet parent. First dates can be a bit nerve racking, especially meeting someone new for the first time in public, but Dogtopia is here to help. Dogtopia daycare locations are considered a safe space. You can use Dogtopia as an initial meetup point to pick up your pup from daycare and briefly test out the attraction before committing to a first date! You can also test out these dog-friendly pick-up lines in the Dogtopia lobby.

Dig has added a new feature allowing users to locate their nearest Dogtopia daycare within the app. This will not only allow you to find a perfect meeting spot for that initial meetup, but also can show future pet parents where they can take their pup to socialize and meet their BFFF (Best Furry Friend Forever)! Who knows, you might meet your future partner by walking through the doors of your local Dogtopia. Better yet, your pups might already be BFFFs! Download the Dig app today to begin looking for love in the new year!